Intake Screens
The Intake Systems of Ocean Watertech is the superior technology for surface water application. Our Intake System allows reliable water passage to the system and excludes debris that could cause operating problems. The design of the system protects fish and other aquatic life. This intake system’s applications are drinking water, cooling water, process water etc.

Design Features
The key to the intake system is the screen design, which creates nearly uniform low velocity, flow though the entire screen surface. This eliminates “hot Spots” of high intake velocity which tend to hold material on the screen and lead to a progressively rapid rate ofscreen blocking and plugging. Uniform intake flow also increases the hydraulic capacity and pump efficiency by reducing suction head losses.
Non-plugging Screen: The screen is designed with inwardly enlarging slots, permitting only two-point particles contact. Near size particles pass freely through without loading in the slots, allowing debris to be carried away by ambient current.
Precision Slot Size: The slot sizes can meet the dual needs of maximum. Open area and particle exclusion of any given size. Slot may be changed upto 11.25mm in increments of 0.05mm
Air Backwash System: This is an optional system for better cleaning. This system uniformly distributes air across the screen for proper cleaning.
The all welded construction offers unmatched features and benefits
- Simple Design
- Low initial cost
- Minimum maintenance needs
- Simplified installation
- Makes compliance with environmental regulations easier.
- Low pressure drop
- Controlled slot velocity
- Engineered to suit specification
- Wedge wire screening
- Maximum efficiency
- Protection of aquatic life
- Municipal Water Supply
- Water Treatment Plants
- LNG Plants
- Desalination
- Paper & Pulp
- Sugar Mills
- Waste Water Treatment and various other process Industries